The San Juan Wildlife Federation "I'm With Roscoe" match is a revival of a 5-shot snubby revolver competition.
Have snubby? We are pleased to announce the new match designed specifically for the 5 shot snubby revolver. Based on the "I'm With Roscoe" organization, this match hearkens back to the days of the gritty detective in his fedora and sport jacket running the bad guys to earth. One of the goals of this match is to cast a light on the fading role revolvers have in personal defense. This will be a great opportunity to get in practice with your concealed carry revolver. Reloads will be with a mixture of speed loaders, speed strips, loops, dump pouches and even your pocket.
The match will use "standard stages" that will be repeated over time so the individual can gauge how well they are improving along with scenarios designed to be fun and reinforce safe firearm handling, reloading, the benefits and limitations of the snubby revolver. If you are driven to out-perform others and be the best, this match may not be for you. If, however, you would like to socialize with good people, have a fun
and safe time with your little snubby friend, this is the place to be.
Have a 6-shot revolver, no problem. For those with the extra capacity, we ask you to download to 5 to keep things even. You will need eye and ear protection, a strong side-belt tether holster and a revolver at a minimum. As you go along adding reloading devices will need to be added. Oh! and one other thing, what Noir detective would be seen without his/her brimmed hat.
Matches will be held on the third Sunday of each month following Rimfire from March until October. The match fee is $15.00